Tuesday, February 22, 2011

London! :O

Long time no see , right?
I'm just making this post to tell yous three things.
First of all , like my new banner?
I will use this for all posts now.
But  , I now share a position with another girl!
I asked Nicole about it , and she said I can also be the fashion/beauty updater!
And if your the girl who I share it with , (if your reading) I'd love for us to be friends so we could talk about cool new posts and such :)
Second thing:
I know I haven't been keeping up with my HB update posts , and for that I am especially sorry!
I know I've been putting it off , time and time again and Im really sorry.
The last thing , I am most excited about!
This is really exciting for me , because  I have never been in England , Wales twice but never England!
One thing I am most excited about is that its London Fashion Week!
 I will be there during Fashion Week!
I just think thats cool..

I'll be back soon , don't miss me too much!
(Like you'd miss me at all! :P )

Lisa xx :)

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